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BEYOND™ WhiteSpa® Select
Professional Teeth Whitening System

Make your smile your most striking feature!

BEYOND™ WhiteSpa Select is in the business of making people smile with confidence. Whether you have a big job interview, graduation, wedding, or event coming up – or if you just want to look your best while out running errands – having shiny, white teeth will restore your confidence in letting the world see your beautiful smile.

 A shiny, white, confident smile is the first thing people notice.

The BEYOND™ WhiteSpa Select teeth whitening system uses the most advanced and innovative technology and materials to whiten your teeth safely, quickly, and with maximum results.

Our special, gentle whitening gel contains active ingredients that remove not only surface stains, but also the stains found deep inside the teeth. So your teeth get whiter faster, and stay whiter longer.

To ensure your safety and comfort, the BEYOND™ WhiteSpa Select treatment is only 60 minutes long, minimizing your risk of experiencing tooth sensitivity. Our special, whitening accelerator lamp speeds up the entire process, meaning that you can whiten your teeth in the same amount of time it would take to get a haircut, facial, or manicure.

Is the BEYOND® WhiteSpa treatment for everyone?
The BEYOND® WhiteSpa treatment provides dramatic results for anyone who wants to whiten their teeth. This includes people with teeth that have been stained by smoking or by substances such as coffee or tea. It also whitens teeth stained by tetracycline, speckled by fluoride, or hereditary discoloration. Pregnant women or clients under 16 years of age should not receive the BEYOND® WhiteSpa treatment.

How white will my teeth get?
After undergoing whitening with the BEYOND® WhiteSpa System, teeth shades can brighten between five to 14 shades, with an average improvement of eight shades on the BEYOND® WhiteSpa Whitening Shade Guide. Although individual results will depend on how discolored the teeth were originally, the end result will be white, shiny teeth.

How long will the whitening last?
This varies from person to person and depends on your diet and lifestyle, but the effects usually last for about two years. Periodic touch-up treatments are recommended for clients who frequently consume coffee or other staining foods and drinks or for those that use tobacco products.

Is it safe?
Yes, scientific research has shown that the active ingredients in the BEYOND® WhiteSpa Whitening Gel are effective and safe for cosmetic tooth whitening. The dental community has used these ingredients in performing teeth whitening for years. The BEYOND® WhiteSpa Whitening Gel does not change or damage the structure of the teeth; it merely makes them appear white and shiny.

How long does the treatment take?
In only one hour, discoloration that has built up over the years will disappear. It takes no longer than the time it would for you to have a haircut or a facial - it is that simple!
What is the difference between BEYOND® WhiteSpa and other methods of tooth whitening?

Although BEYOND® WhiteSpa uses the same cold-light power whitening technology seen in professional dental offices, it has been specially adapted for the cosmetic beauty industry. Designed with the comfort and safety of the client in mind, our 60 minute treatment is safer, gentler, and produces superior results to other teeth whitening options.

Will it hurt?
Most clients experience no pain or sensitivity during or after the treatment. A very small percentage of clients may feel some minor tooth sensitivity, especially if they consume very cold or hot foods or drinks within a few hours after the treatment. Therefore it is recommended that clients avoid consuming extremely hot or cold food or beverages for the first 24 hours following the treatment.

What is the difference between BEYOND® WhiteSpa and tooth whitening performed in the dental office?
The BEYOND® WhiteSpa System uses the same technology as is used in dental offices for power whitening, and the results are comparable. The procedure has been simplified such that trained aesthetic professionals can now safely perform the whitening procedure.

Visit Our BEYOND WhiteSpa Frequestly Asked Questions...


Call Jamie today to schedule your
BEYOND WhiteSpa Select Treatment Today!


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Last Update:
October 13, 2009